-- Databáze: `emgdb`, table `event`
-- v. 0.27:
-- MB1, MB2
-- n už není AUTO INCREMENT
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `event` ( # an event of the protocol
`inv` VARCHAR ( 3 ) NOT NULL, # investigation code, for example A, 2A etc.
`ltr` VARCHAR ( 1 ) NOT NULL, # sequential letter of the EMG record: A, B, C, ... etc.
`n` INT ( 6 ) NOT NULL, # sequential number of this event: 1, 2, ... etc.
`t1` TIME NULL, # starting timepoint
`dt` TIME NULL, # delta t = duration of this event
`t2` TIME NULL, # ending timepoint = t1 + dt
`MB1` FLOAT (4,1) NULL, # amount of MB saved in the binary file (the value readed from the EMG display)
`MB2` FLOAT (4,1) NULL, # dtto – ending point
`ch` SET ('all','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20') NULL,
# the number of channel
`event` ENUM ( # what type of this event:
'record', # recording of EMG
'amplifier', # amplifier
'electrode', # some action with some/any electrode(s) (electrical aspect)
'needle', # mechanical aspect of the needle electrode(s): moving, pushing etc.
'press', # pressure on some point (stimulus on the remote TrP)
'motion', # some motion or another activity of the patient
'speech', # the patient is speaking
'disturbance', # some kind of disturbance of the investigation
'iritation', # some kind of iritation
'signal', # signal observed: some EMG activity (waves) occur etc.
'instruction', # instructions given to the patient
'breath', # controlled breathing
'quiet', # bedrest without any activity or disturbance
'position', # the position of the body etc.
'picture', # a picture (photo) taken
'other' # other kind of event
`attr` SET ( # some attribute of the event:
# record:
# 'duration', # duration of the whole record (relative time)
# amplifier:
# 'input', # input of amplifier
'filter', # filter
'gain', # gain
'in', # in
'into', # into
'out', # retraction
'off', # retraction away from
# filter,
'low', # low frequency bouundary
'high', # high frequency bouundary
# electrode:
'monopolar', # monopolar needle electrode
'coaxial', # coaxial needle electrode
'surface', # surface electrode
# 'act', # active electrode (different)
# 'ref', # reference electrode (indifferent)
'touch', # touch the electrode
# motion:
'turn', # turn (cs: otočit, pootočit)
'raise', # raise, lift (cs: zvednout, pozvednout)
# needle:
'insert', # insertion in the body
'depth', # depth
'push', # push into greater depth
'skin', # penetration through the skin or pulling out of the skin
'tautband', # penetration through the taut band or leaving the taut band
'fascia', # penetration through the fascia or leaving the fascia
'pull', # hitch the needle into the lower depths
'roof', # phenomenon of the roof by the needle extraction
'!roof', # NOT phenomenon of the roof by the needle extraction
'manip', # some manipulation
'move', # some moving
'search', # searching of the activity
'fix', # fixation
'blood', # bleeding (after pulling the needle out)
# press: the point of the pressure
'sole', # sole (cs: ploska_nohy)
'calf', # the middle of the calf (cs:lýtko)
'HMS', # hammstring
'paracocc', # paracoccygial
'ang_costae4', # angulus costae of the IV-th rib
'ang_costae5', # angulus costae of the V-th rib
'ang_costae6', # angulus costae of the VI-th rib
'ang_costae', # angulus costae (rib unknown)
'm_trapesius', # m. trapesius
# other patient's body parts:
'head', # head (cs: hlava)
'body', # body (cs: trup)
'shoulder', # shoulder (cs:rameno)
'back', # back (cs: záda)
'arm', # arm (cs: paže)
'leg', # leg (cs: noha)
# breath:
# 'controlled2', # 2 time intervals: inspiration + expiration, equal time intervals, for example 5 + 5 sec.
# 'controlled3', # 3 time intervals: inspiration + holding + expiration, equal time intervals
'inspir', # breath in
'hold', # holding breath
'expir', # breath out
# signal:
'insertion', # insertion activity
'AP', # action potential
'serie', # serie
'NPN', # neuromuscular plate noise
'NPP', # neuromuscular plate potentials
'artefact', # some kind of artefact
'EKG', # EKG activity
'activity', # some kind of activity
'vanished', #
# disturbance:
'ring', # phone ring
'talk', # talking (not with the patient)
'haunt', # some another person disturbing the investigation
'noise', # another noise
# record:
'start', # start of recording
'stop', # stop of recording
'unnoticed', # (cs: nepozorovaně)
'localtime', # local time hh:mm
# picture:
'screen' # screen of monitor
`side` ENUM ( # side of the action, laterality:
'sin', # l. sinister = the left side
'dx', # l. dexter = the rigth side
'bilat', # bilateral = both sides
'med', # medial = in the middle
'left', # moving, position of head etc.
`value` VARCHAR (10 ) NULL , # some quantification of the event: the value
`unit` ENUM ( # physical unit, for example:
'N', # physical force of the pressure [Newton],
'uV', # the amplitude of the EMG activity [microVolt]
'mV', # the amplitude of the EMG activity [milliVolt]
'uV/DIV', # the gain of the amplifier [microVolt/division]
'mV/DIV', # the gain of the amplifier [milliVolt/division]
'Hz', # the frequence [Herz]
'kHz', # the frequence [kiloHerz]
'mm', # the deep of the needle [millimeter]
's', # the period of controlled breathing [second] (for example: 15 s = 5+5+5)
# localtime
'CET', # Central European Time
'CEST' # Central European Summer Time: (last March Sun - last Oct Sun)
`comment` VARCHAR( 1000 ) NULL , # some free comment to the event
# 15 columns total
PRIMARY KEY ( `inv`, `ltr`, `n` )
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_czech_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 COMMENT = 'event occured in the time of EMG recording';
SELECT * FROM event;