< Strong
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
editovat- נחם
- Transliteration: Nacham
- Phonetic: naw-kham'
- Definition:
- 1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort, be comforted
- a) (Niphal)
- 1. to be sorry, be moved to pity, have compassion
- 2. to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent
- 3. to comfort oneself, be comforted
- 4. to comfort oneself, ease oneself
- b) (Piel) to comfort, console
- c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled
- d) (Hithpael)
- 1. to be sorry, have compassion
- 2. to rue, repent of
- 3. to comfort oneself, be comforted
- 4. to ease oneself
- a) (Niphal)
- Origin: a primitive root
- TWOT entry: 1344
- Part(s) of speech: Verb
Strong dictionary
editovat- Word: נחם
- Transliter: nâcham
- Pronounc: naw-kham'
- A primitive root; properly to sigh that is breathe strongly; by implication to be sorry that is (in a favorable sense) to pity console or (reflexively) rue; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself): - comfort (self) ease [one´ s self] repent (-er -ing self).
Diccionario Strong (Español)
editovat- נָחַם (nakjám)
- raíz primaria; propiamente suspirar, i.e. respirar fuertemente; por impl. lamentar, i.e. (en un sentido favorable) compadecer, consolar o (refl.) lamentarse; o (desfavorablemente) vengar (-se): aliento, aliviar, -se, aplacar, arrepentimiento, arrepentirse, atenuar, castigar, compadecer, compasión, consolador, consolar, -se, consuelo, misericordia, mover, pesar, satisfacción.
Cловарь Стронга (pусский)
editovat- Слово: נחם
- (со)жалеть, раскаиваться; 2) утешаться; утешать; быть утешенным; 1) жалеть, каяться; 2) утешаться, успокаиваться; 3) утешать себя (местью)
Luther Concordance
editovat- נחם
- nacham {naw-kham'}
- Totale Anzahl in Luther 1912: 110
- ausgetrauert, 1
- Gn 38:12
- Buße, 2
- Jb 42:6; Jr 31:19
- des, 1
- Jr 15:6
- droht, 1
- Gn 27:42
- erbarmen, 1
- Dt 32:36
- Erbarmens, 1
- Jr 15:6
- ergötzt, 1
- Iz 66:13
- gereue, 1
- Nu 23:19
- gereuen, 7
- Ex 13:17; Ex 32:12; 1S 15:29; Ž 110:4; Jr 26:13; Jl 2:14; Jon 3:9
- gereut, 4
- 1S 15:29; 1S 15:35; Jr 20:16; Jr 42:10
- gereute, 1
- Ex 32:14
- getröstet, 7
- Gn 24:67; Rt 2:13; 2S 12:24; 2S 13:39; Ž 119:52; Iz 49:13; Iz 52:9
- gnädig, 2
- Ž 90:13; Ž 135:14
- gönnten’s, 1
- Ez 31:16
- jammerte, 1
- Sd 2:18
- kühle, 1
- Ez 5:13
- Leid, 1
- Jr 8:6
- reuen, 6
- Jr 4:28; Jr 18:8; Jr 18:10; Jr 26:3; Ez 24:14; Jon 4:2
- reut, 3
- Gn 6:7; 1S 15:11; Jl 2:13
- reute, 11
- Gn 6:6; Sd 21:6; Sd 21:15; 2S 24:16; 1Pa 21:15; Ž 106:45; Jr 26:19; Am 7:3; Am 7:6; Jon 3:10; Za 8:14
- Trost, 2
- Ž 119:76; Ez 14:23
- Troste, 1
- Ez 16:54
- Trostlose, 1
- Iz 54:11
- tröste, 2
- Pl 1:2; Pl 1:17
- trösten, 24
- Gn 5:29; Gn 37:35; 2S 10:2; 1Pa 7:22; 1Pa 19:2(2); Jb 2:11; Jb 7:13; Ž 23:4; Ž 77:3; Iz 1:24; Iz 22:4; Iz 51:19; Iz 57:6; Iz 61:2; Iz 66:13; Jr 16:7; Jr 31:13; Jr 31:15; Pl 2:13; Ez 14:22; Ez 32:31; Za 1:17; Za 10:2
- Tröster, 10
- 2S 10:3; 1Pa 19:3; Jb 16:2; Ž 69:21; Kaz 4:1(2); Iz 51:12; Pl 1:16; Pl 1:21; Na 3:7
- tröstest, 4
- Ž 71:21; Ž 86:17; Ž 119:82; Iz 12:1
- tröstet, 7
- Jb 21:34; Iz 40:1(2); Iz 51:3(2); Iz 66:13; Pl 1:9
- tröstete, 2
- Gn 50:21; Jb 29:25
- trösteten, 2
- Gn 37:35; Jb 42:11
- wäre, 1
- Jr 8:6