Uživatel:Juandev/Economy of traditional ethnomedicinal markets: Porovnání verzí

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Juandev (diskuse | příspěvky)
Juandev (diskuse | příspěvky)
Řádek 1 508:
*test statistic = caclulated from the sample data, used to decide
*statisticaly significant = where we do draw the line to make a decision
*level of confidence (=důvěra C) in % = how cofidentecofident are we in our decision
*level of significance (=význam) α<ref group="Poznámka">alfa</ref> = 1 - C %
**for C = 95, C = 0.95, than α = 1 - 0.95 ~ '''α = 0.05'''
*example test 1
**Ho : μ<ref group="Poznámka">mean</ref> = 4 mm ~ a company has stated that their straw machine makex straws that are 4 mm diameter
**Ho : μ = 4 mm
**Ha : μ ≠ 4 mm ~ a worker believe the machine no longer makes straws of this size
**n = 100 ... one hundred semples to test
**C = 0.99 ...we want 99 % of confidence
***α = 1 - C = 1 - 0.99 = 0.01
*example test 2
**Ho : μ ≤ 10 hours ~ doctors believe that the avarage teen sleeps on avarage no longer than 10 hours per day
**Ha : μ > 10 hours ~ a researche belives tat teens on avarage sleep longer
*example test 3
**Ho : P<ref group="Poznámka">Proportion = podíl</ref> ≥ 0.60 ~ the school board claims that at least 60 % of students bring a phone to school
**Ha : P < 0.60 ~ a teacher belives this number is to high
**α = 0.002...................n = 25
**C = 1 - α
**C = 1 - 0.02
**C = 0.98
*testing hypotheses
Řádek 1 641 ⟶ 1 652:
== Poznámky ==
<references group="Poznámka" />
== Komentáře ==