Uživatel:Juandev/Economy of traditional ethnomedicinal markets: Porovnání verzí

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Juandev (diskuse | příspěvky)
Juandev (diskuse | příspěvky)
Řádek 1 040:
| datum přístupu = 2020-12-22
**investigation of ethnopharmacology with the indian tribe heading to extinction
**most of the founded originators to cure diseases where not phytopharmacologically researched and some of the plants does not have research studies on them at all
*Facing global markets - usage changes in Western Amazonian plants: the example of Euterpe precatoria Mart. and E. oleracea Mart. (2012)<ref>{{Citace periodika
| příjmení = Bussmann
| jméno = Rainer W.
| příjmení2 = Zambrana
| jméno2 = Narel Y. Paniagua
| titul = Facing global markets – usage changes in Western Amazonian plants: the example of Euterpe precatoria Mart. and E. oleracea Mart.
| periodikum = Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
| datum vydání = 2012-11-16
| ročník = 81
| číslo = 4
| strany = 257–261
| issn = 2083-9480
| doi = 10.5586/asbp.2012.032
| jazyk = en
| url = https://pbsociety.org.pl/journals/index.php/asbp/article/view/asbp.2012.032
| datum přístupu = 2020-12-22
}}</ref><ref group="Komentář">It looks like an announcment than a research paper.</ref>
*Ethnopteridology of the Guaranis of Misiones Province, Argentina (2011)<ref>{{Citace periodika
| příjmení = Keller
| jméno = Héctor A.
| příjmení2 = Meza Torres
| jméno2 = Esteban I.
| příjmení3 = Prance
| jméno3 = Ghillean T.
| titul = Ethnopteridology of the Guaranís of Misiones Province, Argentina
| periodikum = American Fern Journal
| datum vydání = 2011-07
| ročník = 101
| číslo = 3
| strany = 193–204
| issn = 0002-8444
| doi = 10.1640/0002-8444-101.3.193
| jazyk = en
| url = http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1640/0002-8444-101.3.193
| datum přístupu = 2020-12-22
**there has been a study on ethnobotany of ferns in Bolivia published in 1985 and another one in 2004
**as a part of ethnobotanical investigation between 2000 and 2008 in some Guaraní villages
**collected specimen was distributed to various hebaria in various countries
**50 species were found usefull, that is 28 % of local fern flora
***meditional, ornamental, support for orchids, magic, ecological indicators were the most common uses
**medicines are used mostly fresh at the collection day
**some are sold by highways on wooden support or alone to accompany orchids
***this practise count thread them in the wild in the future as some like ''Huperzia mandioccana'' are not common in the wild allready
**ferns with aromatic odor are used to attract opposite sex
**the growth of some ferns on the trees indicates the possition of north or south, due to the amount of sunlight, that helps people with the orientation in the rainforest
**another example shows, that Guaraní does not establish slash and burn agriculture on the site with tree fern Alsophylla setosa, because it grow on plots, with soils bad for cultivation
*The Dual Intracultural and Intercultural Relationship between Medicinal Plant Knowledge and Consensus (2010)<ref>{{Citace periodika
| příjmení = Vandebroek
| jméno = Ina
| titul = The Dual Intracultural and Intercultural Relationship between Medicinal Plant Knowledge and Consensus1
| periodikum = Economic Botany
| datum vydání = 2010-12
| ročník = 64
| číslo = 4
| strany = 303–317
| issn = 0013-0001
| doi = 10.1007/s12231-010-9135-y
| jazyk = en
| url = http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s12231-010-9135-y
| datum přístupu = 2020-12-22
*InternationalSociety for Ethnobiology Code of Ethics
*Nagoya Proto-col on Access to Genetic Resources
Řádek 1 173 ⟶ 1 238:
=== Other ===
Řádek 1 322 ⟶ 1 388:
*Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae