grub je zavaděč linuxu a dalších operačních systémů. Pro novou verzi existuje stránka GRUB2.
editovat- Package: grub
- Manual: info grub
- /bin/mbchk Multiboot check: ... moc to nechápu
- /bin/mkbimage Make a Bootable IMAGE using GRUB as a bootloader
- /sbin/grub
- /sbin/grub-install
- /sbin/grub-md5-crypt
- /sbin/grub-terminfo
- /sbin/update-grub program to generate GRUB's menu.lst file
- /sbin/grub-floppy
- /sbin/grub-reboot
- 2005-02-05.Sat ... základní postup
- 2005-02-06.Sun ... windoze
- 2005-03-05.Sat ... @ALU
- 2005-03-06.Sun ... @ALU
- 2005-03-08.Tue ... z disketty, např. pro diskless
Basic terms:
- (hd0,0) hda1
editovatNativní instalace
editovat- Kopíruju grub na floppy:
cd /lib/grub/i386-pc dd if=stage1 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1 dd if=stage2 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 seek=1
- Rebootuju
grub> root (hd0,3) reknu mu, kde ma root directory pred zavorkou musi byt mezera Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x836 kdyz to nevim, najdu si ji: find /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,3) setup (hd0) instaluje GRUB do MBR setup (hd0,0) instaluje do 1. partition
Pomoci skriptu grub-install
editovatgrub-install /dev/hda instaluje GRUB do MBR grub-install /dev/hda1 instaluje GRUB do 1.partition?
- Na diskettu:
# superformat --superverify /dev/fd0 # mke2fs /dev/fd0 # mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt # grub-install --root-directory=/mnt fd0 Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time. cdrom: open failed. SCSI subsystem initialized Installation finished. No error reported. This is the contents of the device map /mnt/boot/grub/ Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect, fix it and re-run the script `grub-install'. (fd0) /dev/fd0 (hd0) /dev/hda # cd /mnt/boot/grub # ls -l celkem 160 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30 2005-02-05 13:58 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7776 2005-02-05 13:58 e2fs_stage1_5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7504 2005-02-05 13:58 fat_stage1_5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8320 2005-02-05 13:58 jfs_stage1_5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7008 2005-02-05 13:58 minix_stage1_5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9216 2005-02-05 13:58 reiserfs_stage1_5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 2005-02-05 13:58 stage1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 108168 2005-02-05 14:00 stage2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9288 2005-02-05 13:58 xfs_stage1_5 # umount /mnt
Musim tam jeste dokopirovat menu.lst ? Můžu si ho udělat:
Jak bootuju z grub>
editovatkernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 initrd /initrd.img boot
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.3-1-386 root=/dev/hda1 initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.3-1-386 boot
Kdyz mam na prvni partition DOS a na druhe Windows a chci bootovat DOS:
grub> unhide (hd0,0) grub> hide (hd0,1) grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0) grub> chainloader +1 grub> makeactive grub> boot
Kdyz chci bootovat Windoze z druhe partition:
grub> unhide (hd0,1) grub> hide (hd0,0) grub> rootnoverify (hd0,1) grub> chainloader +1 grub> makeactive grub> boot